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Название: Analysis of possible designs of processing units with radial plasma flows
Авторы: Kolesnik, V. V.
Zaitsev, S. V.
Vashilin, V. S.
Limarenko, M. V.
Prochorenkov, D. S.
Ключевые слова: Authors of BSTU
Дата публикации: 2018
Издательство: IOP Publishing
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Analysis of plasma-ion methods of obtaining thin-film coatings shows that their development goes along the path of the increasing use of sputter deposition processes, which allow one to obtain multicomponent coatings with varying percentage of particular components. One of the methods that allow one to form multicomponent coatings with virtually any composition of elementary components is the method of coating deposition using quasi-magnetron sputtering systems [1]. This requires the creation of an axial magnetic field of a defined configuration with the flux density within the range of 0.01-0.1 T [2]. In order to compare and analyze various configurations of processing unit magnetic systems, it is necessary to obtain the following dependencies: the dependency of magnetic core section on the input power to inductors, the distribution of magnetic induction within the equatorial plane in the corresponding sections, the distribution of the magnetic induction value in the area of cathode target location.
Описание: Analysis of possible designs of processing units with radial plasma flows / V. V. Kolesnik [et al.] // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2018. - Vol.327. - 042051.
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Располагается в коллекциях:Chemistry, chemical technology and special purposed composites

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