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Название: Scientific and theoretical fundamentals of alumina-silicate binding agent design on the basis of technogenic raw materials used to produce non-autoclaved silicate materials
Авторы: Volodchenko, A. A.
Lesovik, V. S.
Volodchenko, A. N.
Ключевые слова: Authors of BSTU
Дата публикации: 2018
Издательство: IOP Publishing
Краткий осмотр (реферат): These days the use of natural and technogenic raw materials is particularly relevant for the production of efficient construction composites, including the use of nature-like technologies. Successful development of efficient compositions of raw mixes using technogenic and natural raw materials of various genesis is only possible on the basis of in-depth and versatile study of physical, chemical and technological solidification. Thus, the use of nonconventional alumina-silicate raw materials during the production of construction composites provides for theoretical and experimental possibility of shifting from traditional raw materials to the production of composite materials on the basis of nonconventional natural and technogenic raw materials. The study resulted in scientific and theoretical fundamentals of alumina-silicate binding agent design on the basis of technogenic raw materials used to produce non-autoclaved silicate materials. It is suggested to use alumina-silicate rocks of incomplete stage of clay synthesis as an active component of non-autoclaved silicate materials, which structure differs with regard to their thermodynamically-unstable compounds, which, in turn, may result in the production of efficient energy-saving high-hollow silicate materials of a new generation with up to 32 MPa compression strength, F15-25 frost resistance and 1100- 1200 kg/m3 average density.
Описание: Volodchenko A. A. Scientific and theoretical fundamentals of alumina-silicate binding agent design on the basis of technogenic raw materials used to produce non-autoclaved silicate materials / A. A. Volodchenko, V. S. Lesovik, A. N. Volodchenko // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2018. - Vol. 463. - 032015.
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Располагается в коллекциях:Construction materials, products and structures

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